楊 沐野(Muye YANG)

最終更新日 2024年7月29日

九州大学大学院 工学研究院 社会基盤部門
建設設計材料工学講座 准教授




2011.06           国立河海大学(中華人民共和国) 工学部土木工学科 卒業
2011.09           国立河海大学大学院(中華人民共和国) 工学研究科 土木工学専攻修士課程
2014.09           九州大学大学院 工学府都市環境システム工学専攻 博士後期課程
2017.10           九州大学大学院 工学研究院 特任助教
2022.12           九州大学大学院 工学研究院 特任准教授

2024.05           九州大学大学院 工学研究院 准教授


鋼構造物の疲労劣化メカニズムに関する破壊力学的研究で博士号を取得後から,学際的研究に挑戦し,新規研究領域を開拓するため,専門性を変え,化 学,材料科学および電気化学を主とする腐食・防食に特化した研究に取り組んでいる.近年,CFRP補修部における表面処理,構造部位レベルのミクロ・マク ロセル腐食評価,大気中の陰極防食などの新技術を開発している.これらの研究成果に基づき,大気や海洋などの様々な環境における鋼構造物の腐食・疲労問題 に対して劣化機構の解明および耐久性向上の提案に貢献する.今後,材料科学,電気化学,および力学を横断する学際的基礎研究を実施することで,現象解明か ら新技術開発,鋼構造物などへの実装に至るまで幅広い研究に展開していくことを目指している.


  • 2024.03~現在 【腐食防食学会】建設小委員会(委員)
  • 2023.06~2026.06 【土木学会鋼構造委員会】鋼構造物の素地調整に関する調査研究小委員会(委員)
  • 2023.07~現在 【九州橋梁・構造工学研究会KABSE】広報活性化小委員会(委員)
  • 土木学会会員(Japan Society of Civil Engineers)→全国大会/西部支部(座長)
  • 腐食防食学会会員(Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering)→材料と環境学会(座長)
  • 鋼構造協会会員(Japanese Society of Steel Construction)
  • Corrosion Science, STRUCTURES, Constr Build Mater. etc., 国際ジャーナルの査読者
  • Guest Editor of Buildings (ISSN 2075-5309).


  1. 「Experimental study on irreversible deterioration mechanism of CFRP-steel bonding system and durability-based design optimization」日本学術振興会JSPS科研费 若手研究,23K13396,2023~2025年度,4,550千円(研究代表者)
  2. 「CFRP補強した鋼部材の接着特性と界面劣化機構の解明に基づく強度・耐久性最適設計の構築」九州地域づくり協会,研究開発助成金,2023.04 ~ 2024.03,1,000千円(研究代表者)
  3. 「Development of anticorrosion technique of CFRP strengthened steel structures and durability prediction under atmospheric environment」日本学術振興会JSPS科研费 若手研究,19K15074,2019~2021年度,4,290千円(研究代表者)
  4. 「鋼構造物のCFRP補強工法に関する樹脂劣化·ガルバニック電気化学機構の連成解明と高耐久性化新手法の開発」日本国土開発未来研究財団,学術研究助成,K-03-011,2020.10 ~ 2022.09,2,200千円(研究代表者)
  5. 「鋼部材地際部のミクロ·マクロセル腐食評価センサの開発と実用化」九州地域づくり協会,研究開発助成金,R18HA000942,2018.06 ~ 2019.03,1,000千円(研究代表者)
  6. 「鋼構造物のCFRP補強部に関する接着劣化・ガルバニック腐食促進の連成機構の解明」伊藤早苗賞研究助成金,HAKF542103,2021.10~2022.03,150千円(研究代表者)
  7. 「鋼構造物のCFRP補修部における接着界面劣化と腐食促進現象の連成機構解明および改善案」日本鋼構造協会2022年度の鋼構造研究助成,2022.09~2023.09,1,000千円(研究代表者)
  8. 「炭素繊維補強した腐食部材の接合特性とその界面劣化機構に関する研究」令和4年度 建設技術研究開発助成,2022.09~2023.04,500千円(研究代表者)
  9. 「防食皮膜の傷劣化と鋼材の電気化学機構の連成解明に基づく鋼構造物の致命的損傷予知」日本学術振興会JSPS基盤研究(B),19H02227,2019~2021年度,17,290千円(3/4,研究分担者
  10. 「皮膜劣化傷と鋼材の電気化学機構の連成解明に基づく防食性能最適化法の確立と実装展開」日本学術振興会JSPS基盤研究(B),23H01494,2023~2025年度,17,290千円(4/4,研究分担者


  • 2022,令和4年度 外国語校閲経費支援(基礎研究支援・Top10%支援各1回)
  • 2021,九州大学若手女性研究者賞,伊藤早苗賞
  • 2020,Top Articles from outstanding S&T Journals of China (F5000)
  • 2019,土木学会,田中賞(論文部門)
  • 2019,2nd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications, Certificate of Excellent Oral Presentation
  • 2015,土木学会,平成27年度全国大会 第70回年次学術講演会 優秀講演表彰(Excellent Presentation Award of JSCE)




国際ジャーナル (Impact Factor > 5.0)

Composites Part B (IF: 13.1)

- M. Yang, S. Kainuma, J. Xie, W. Liu and Y. Liu: Bond Behavior between CFRP and Corroded Steel Plate Associations with Surface Treatments, Composites Part B, Vol.246, 110280, 2022.

Construction and Building Materials (IF: 7.4)

- Y. Gao, S. Kainuma, M. Yang, and S. Ishihara and D. Inoue: Galvanic Corrosion Behavior of Hot-Dip Al and 55Al–Zn Coatings Applied to Steel Bolted Joints in Atmospheric Environments Construction and Building Materials, Vol.401, 132694, 2023.

- S. Kainuma, M. Yang, Y. Gao and M. Hashimoto: Long-Term Deterioration Mechanism of Hot-Dip Aluminum Coating Exposed to A Coastal-Atmospheric Environment, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.280, pp.1-16, 2021.

- S. Zhuang, S. Kainuma, M. Yang, M. Haraguchi and T. Asano: Characterizing Corrosion Properties of Carbon Steel Affected by High-Power Laser Cleaning, Construction and Building Materials,  Vol.274, pp.1-11, 2021.

- M. Yang, S. Kainuma, S. Ishihara, A. Kaneko and T. Yamauchi: Atmospheric Corrosion Protection Method for Corroded Steel Members Using Sacrificial Anode of Al-based Alloy, Construction & Building Materials, Vol.234, pp.1-12, 2020.

- S. Kainuma, M. Yang, S. Ishihara, A. Kaneko and T. Yamauchi: Corrosion Protection of Steel Members Using An Al-Zn Base Sacrificial Anode and Fiber Sheet in An Atmospheric Environment, Construction & Building Materials, Vol.224, pp.880-893, 2019.

Composite Structures (IF: 6.3)

- M. Yang, J. Xie, S. Kainuma and W. Liu: Improvement in Bond Behavior and Thermal Properties of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Strengthened Steel Structures, Composite Structures, Vol.278, pp.1-15, 2021.

Measurement (IF: 5.6)

- S. Kainuma, Y. S. Jeong, M. Yang and S. Inokuchi: Welding Residual Stress in Roots Between Deck Plate and U-Rib in Orthotropic Steel Decks, Measurement, Vol.92, pp.475-482, 2016.

Optics & Laser Technology (IF: 5.0)


- S. Zhuang, S. Kainuma, M. Yang, M. Haraguchia and T. Asano: Investigation on the Peak Temperature and Surface Defects on the Carbon Steel Treated by Rotating CW Laser, Optics & Laser Technology, Vol.135, pp.1-9, 2020.

代表的な学術論文 (FA/CA)

  1. Muye Yang*, Shigenobu Kainuma, Wenxuan Niu, Jiajing Xie. Evaluation of influence factors for galvanic corrosion coupled between carbon fiber cloth and carbon steel. 材料と環境, 2023, Vol.72, No.7, pp.201-214.
  2. Muye Yang*, Shigenobu Kainuma, Jiajing Xie, Weijie Liu. Bond behavior between CFRP and corroded steel plate associations with surface treatments. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2022, 246: 110280.
  3. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Wataru Nabeshima, Motoshi Yamauchi, Bohai Ji. Synergistic effect of corrosion and residual stress on fatigue cracks of finger-type bridge expansion joints, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 131: 105894.
  4. Muye Yang*, Jiajing Xie, Shigenobu Kainuma, Weijie Liu. Improvement in bond behavior and thermal properties of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer strengthened steel structures, Composite Structures, 2021, 278: 114704.
  5. Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang*, Jiajing Xie, Young-Soo Jeong. Time-dependent prediction on the localized corrosion of steel structure using spatial statistical simulation, International Journal of Steel Structures, 2021, 21: 987-1003.
  6. Muye Yang*, Shigenobu Kainuma. Investigation of steel corrosion near the air–liquid interface in NaCl solution and soil environment. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 2021, 56(7): 1-13.
  7. Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang*, Yang Gao, Mikio Hashimoto. Long-term deterioration mechanism of hot-dip aluminum coating exposed to a coastal-atmospheric environment, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 280:122516.
  8. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Shuji Ishihara, Akira Kaneko, Takao Yamauchi. Atmospheric corrosion protection method for corroded steel members using sacrificial anode of Al-based alloy, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 234: 117405.
  9. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Shusen Zhuang, Shuji Ishihara, Akira Kaneko, Takao Yamauchi. Cathodic protection system applied to steel using fiber sheet and Al-based alloy anode in atmospheric environment, International Journal of ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE, 2019, 14: 9858-9875.
  10. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Young-Soo Jeong*. Structural behavior of orthotropic steel decks with artificial cracks in longitudinal ribs, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 141: 132-144.
  11. Muye Yang, Bohai Ji*, Zhiyuan YuanZhou, Zhongqiu Fu. Fatigue behavior and strength evaluation of vertical stiffener welded joint in orthotropic steel decks, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2016, 70: 222-236.
  12. 楊沐野, 貝沼重信, 鍋島渉, 山内誉史, 吉伯海. 熱影響部に着目した鋼製伸縮装置の疲労破断メカニズムの検討, 鋼構造年次論文報告集 (Journal of Constructional Steel), 2021, 29: 546-553.
  13. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Young-Soo Jeong. Analytical investigation on stress characteristics of rib-to-crossbeam connections in orthotropic steel deck with artificial cracks, Journal of Structural and Material in Civil Engineering, 2016, 32(12): 47-54.
  14. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Young-Soo Jeong. Analytical investigations on the structural behavior of orthotropic steel deck with artificial fatigue cracks in U-ribs, 鋼構造年次論文報告集 (Journal of Constructional Steel), 2016, 24: 686-692.
  15. 杨沐野, 吉伯海*, 傅中秋, 徐汉江. 钢桥面板U肋与顶板焊根疲劳寿命预测方法对比分析, 郑州大学学报(工学版), 2015, 36(2): 22-27.
  16. 杨沐野, 吉伯海*, 傅中秋, 徐汉江, 陈策. 随机实测车辆荷载下大跨径斜拉桥钢箱梁的动力响应特征, 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 42(5): 427-432.
    DOI: 10.3876/j.issn.1000-1980.2014.05.010



  1. Sanghong Park, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Muye Yang, Aran Kim, Tatsuya Ikeda, Yusuke Toyota, Takehiko Arakawa. Advancements in abrasive water-jet treatment for efficient surface cleaning and comprehensive corrosion removal in steel structures, Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, Vol.84, 108623. (IF: 6.7)
  2. Yang Gao, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Muye Yang, Shuji Ishihara, Daichi Inoue. Corrosion behavior of hot-dip Al and 55Al–Zn coatings applied to steel bolted joints in atmospheric environments, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 401: 132694. (IF: 7.4)
  3. 楊昊軒, 貝沼重信, 鈴木啓介, 楊沐野, 豊田雄介. AlとZnの溶射皮膜と重防食塗装の重ね皮膜部における耐久・防食特性に関する基礎的研究, 土木学会論文集, 2023, Vol. 79, No. 6, 22-00288, pp. 1-17.
  4. Jiajing Xie, Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma. Effect of epoxy resin degradation on the adhesion strength of CFRP-steel joint. 鋼構造年次論文報告集 (Journal of Constructional Steel), 2022, Vol.30, pp.181-188.
  5. Cheng Meng, Zhiyuan YuanZhou*, Bohai Ji, Muye Yang. Study on Fatigue Performance of Arc Notch of Diaphragm in Steel Box Girder. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2022: 1-9.
  6. Aran Kim, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Muye Yang. Surface characteristics and corrosion behavior of steel substrate treated by abrasive blasting. Metals, 2021, 11, 2065.
  7. Shusen Zhuang, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Muye Yang, Manabu Haraguchi, Takahiro Asano. Characterizing corrosion properties of carbon steel affected by high-power laser cleaning. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 274: 122085.
  8. Shusen Zhuang, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Muye Yang, Manabu Haraguchi, Takahiro Asano. Investigation on the peak temperature and surface defects on the carbon steel treated by rotating CW laser. Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, 135: 106727.
  9. 貝沼重信, 井上凌, 楊沐野. ジンクリッチ系塗膜の傷部における鋼素地の防食特性に関する電気化学的検討, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), 2021, 77(3): 439-454.
  10. 貝沼重信, 樋口亮, 楊沐野. 滞水と乾湿繰り返しの環境における近接塗膜傷部の鋼素地間の腐食特性に関する基礎的研究, 材料と環境, 2021, 70(8): 271-276.
  11. 貝沼重信, 楊昊軒, 楊沐野, 武藤和好, 宮田弘和. 飛来海塩環境におけるAl-5Mg合金溶射と重防食塗装の取合部の耐食·防食特性, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), 2021, 77(1), 180-198.
  12. 貝沼重信, 長谷川昂志, 楊沐野. 塗膜の近接傷間におけるマクロセル腐食の電気化学特性に関する基礎的研究, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), 2020, 76(3): 467-480.
  13. Qidi Wang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang. Fundamental study on the relationship between rust characteristics and corrosion degree of common steel. 鋼構造年次論文報告集 (Journal of Constructional Steel), 2020, 28: 267-273.
  14. Shigenobu Kainuma*, Muye Yang, Shuji Ishihara, Akira Kaneko, Takao Yamauchi. Corrosion protection of steel members using an Al-Zn base sacrificial anode and fiber sheet in an atmospheric environment, Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 224(10): 880-893.
  15. 武藤和好, 貝沼重信, 杜錦軒, 劉少博, 楊沐野, 宮田弘和. クロスカットを有するAl-5Mg合金溶射と重防食塗装の重ね部の耐食・防食特性に関する基礎的研究, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), 2019, 75(3): 280-292.
  16. 徐伟坤, 貝沼重信, 楊沐野, 山内誉史, 鍋島渉. 道路橋鋼製フィンガープレートのルート部の腐食表面性状に関する基礎的研究, 鋼構造年次論文報告集 (Journal of Constructional Steel), 2019, 27: 391-397.
  17. 武藤和好, 貝沼重信, 劉少博, 楊沐野, 宮田弘和. Al-5Mg溶射と重防食塗装の突合せ部の耐食性向上に関する研究, 鋼構造年次論文報告集 (Journal of Constructional Steel), 2019, 27: 359-365.
  18. Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Young-Soo Jeong*, Susumu Inokuchi, Atsunori Kawabata, Daisuke Uchida. Fatigue behavior investigation and stress analysis for rib-to-deck welded joints in orthotropic steel decks, International Journal of Steel Structures, 2018, 18(2): 512-527.
  19. 貝沼重信, 楊沐野, 石原修二. 地際部腐食センサを用いた鋼部材の気液界面の腐食性評価に関する研究, 材料と環境, 2018, 67(10): 404-415.
  20. 貝沼重信, 増本岳, 楊沐野, 佐島隆生. 近接する塗膜傷間における鋼材腐食の電気化学機構に関する基礎的研究, 材料と環境, 2018, 67(11): 467-473.
  21. Yang Gao, Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma*, Shuji Ishihara, Mikio Hashimoto. Electrochemical properties of hot-dip Aluminized coating in alkaline environment, Journal of Structural and Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 34: 89-95.
  22. Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Young-Soo Jeong*, Susumu Inokuchi, Atsunori Kawabata, Daisuke Uchida. Experimental investigation for structural parameter effects on fatigue behavior of rib-to-deck welded joints in orthotropic steel decks, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017, 79: 520-537.
  23. 貝沼重信, 藤本拓史, 杜錦軒, 楊沐野, 武藤和好, 宮田弘和. Al-5Mg合金溶射と重防食塗装の取合部における耐食·防食特性に関する基礎的研究, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), 2017, 73(2): 496-511.
  24. 貝沼重信, 杜錦軒, 武藤和好, 楊沐野, 宮田弘和. Al-5Mg合金溶射と重防食塗装の重ね部の耐食性向上法に関する基礎的研究, 鋼構造年次論文報告集 (Journal of Constructional Steel), 2017, 25: 673-678.
  25. Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Young-Soo Jeong*, Susumu Inokuchi, Atsunori Kawabata, Daisuke Uchida. Experiment on fatigue behavior of rib-to-deck weld root in orthotropic steel decks, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2016, 119: 113-122.
  26. Shigenobu Kainuma, Young-Soo Jeong*, Muye Yang, Susumu Inokuchi. Welding residual stress in roots between deck plate and u-rib in orthotropic steel decks, Measurement, 2016, 92: 475-482.
  27. 袁周致远, 吉伯海, 杨沐野, 傅中秋, 田圆. 正交异性钢桥面板顶板竖向加劲肋焊接接头疲劳性能试验研究, 土木工程学报, 2016, 49(2): 69-76.
  28. Zhongqiu Fu, Bohai Ji*, Muye Yang, Hongbin Sun, Hirofumi Maeno. Cable replacement method for cable-stayed bridges based on sensitivity analysis, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2015, 29(3): 04014085.
    DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000460
  29. Zhongqiu Fu, Bohai Ji*, Duanduan Zhao, Muye Yang. Corrosion evaluation of steel material on steel box girder bridge by comprehensive scoring method, Materials Research Innovations, 2014, 18(S2): 2840-2844.
    DOI: 10.1179/1432891714Z.000000000465
  30. 田圆, 吉伯海, 杨沐野, 傅中秋, 姜竹生. 钢桥面板顶板与竖向加劲肋连接角焊缝疲劳试验, 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 5: 433-438.
  31. 李迪, 吉伯海, 傅中秋, 田圆, 杨沐野. 钢桥顶板与竖向加劲肋疲劳性能衰退影响分析, 交通科学与工程, 2014, 3: 24-29.
  32. 吉伯海, 陈祥, 刘荣, 杨沐野. 钢桥面板顶板与U肋接头疲劳效应分析, 建筑钢结构进展. 2014,16(06): 56-62.



  1. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Haoxuan Yang. Corrosion resistance and deterioration behavior of overlapping layer between thermal spray coating and heavy-duty coating. Corrosion & Prevention 2020, Perth, Australia, 2020, Nov.15~18.
  2. Muye Yang, Kazuyoshi Muto, Shigenobu Kainuma, Jin Xuan Du, Hirokazu Miyata. Deterioration characteristics of overlapping layers between Al-5Mg thermal spray coating and heavy-duty paint coating[C]//Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2019, 972: 235-240.
    2nd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications, Tokyo, Japan, 2019, Apr.13~15. (Excellent Oral Presentation)
  3. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Weikun Xu. Experimental study on the fatigue fracture mechanism of finger type expansion joint, The 12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference (PSSC2019), Tokyo, Japan, 2019, Nov.9~11.
  4. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Xiaotong Sun. Electrochemical evaluation on corrosion rate of common steel near the air-liquid interface using an immersion sensor, NACE East Asia & Pacific Area Conference & Expo, Yokohama, Japan, 2019, Nov.11~13.
  5. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Tomoo Tomoda, Kazuhiko Minami. Study on anti-corrosive method with sacrificial anode for embedded steel members using water swelling rubber, 9th International Symposium on Steel Structures, Jeju, Korea, 2017, Nov.1~4.
  6. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Young-Soo Jeong, Susumu Inokuchi, Atsunori Kawabata, Daisuke Uchida. Analytical investigation for stress response of orthotropic steel deck with through-deck cracks, 5th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2016, Aug.17~20.
  7. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Young-Soo Jeong, Susumu Inokuchi, Atsunori Kawabata, Daisuke Uchida. Parametric FE analysis for fatigue behavior of rib-to-deck welded joints in orthotropic steel decks, IABSE(International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering Spring Conference) Symposium Report, Guangzhou, China, pp.264-268, 2016, May.8~11.
  8. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Young-Soo Jeong, Susumu Inokuchi, Atsunori Kawabata, Daisuke Uchida. Investigation for weld roots fatigue cracking between deck plate and U-rib in orthotropic steel decks, The 4th Orthotropic Bridge Conference, Tianjin, China, pp.204-208, 2015, Sep.1~4.
  9. Ce Chen, Bohai Ji, Rong Liu, Muye Yang, Hanjiang Xu, Hirofumi Maeno. Analysis on fatigue behavior of orthotropic steel deck with pavement in suspension bridge, 12th International Symposium on Structural Engineering (ISSE-12), Wuhan, China, 2012, Nov.17~19.



  1. Lianheng Cai, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Rui Guo. Mechanical behavior of RC beams strengthened in shear with CFRP grid–epoxy mortar[C] ICCEMS2022: 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science, Chiba, Japan, 2022, Apr.15~18. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 909, pp.55-61. https://doi.org/10.4028/p-9jgv59
  2. Jie Xu, Shigenobu Kainuma, Kaishi Takaki, Muye Yang, Tomoo Tomoda. Corrosion Protection Method with Sacrificial Anode for Steel Members in Boundary with Ground Using Water Swelling Rubber[C] ICCEMS2022: 7th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science, Chiba, Japan, 2022, Apr.15~18.
  3. Jiajing Xie, Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Weijie Liu. Effect of surface treatment and deterioration of resin matrix on the adhesion of carbon fabric-based wet layup system. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS-2021), pp.373~376. Jeju, Korea, 2021, Nov.3-6.
  4. Qidi Wang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang. Effect of the abrasive blast after pretreatment on electrochemical properties of severe corroded weathering steel. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS-2021), pp.178~181. Jeju, Korea, 2021, Nov.3-6.
  5. Cheng Meng, Zhiyuan YuanZhou, Bohai Ji, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang. Study on fatigue performance of arc notch of diaphragm in steel box girder. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS-2021), pp.124~127. Jeju, Korea, 2021, Nov.3-6.
  6. Haoxuan Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Kazuyoshi Muto, Takahiro Asano. Fundamental study on weather resistance of overlapping layers between Al-5Mg alloy thermal spray coating and heavy-duty paint coating[C] CEAC 2021: International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference, March.11~14, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1165, Issue 1, pp. 012003 (2021).
  7. Shusen Zhuang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Manabu Haraguchi, Takahiro Asano. Surface observation of laser-treated carbon steel and application of laser cleaning for corroded steel member[C] CEAC 2021: International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference, March.11~14, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1165, Issue 1, pp. 012001 (2021).
  8. Yang Gao, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Shuji Ishihara, Mikio Hashimoto, Daichi Inoue. Corrosion behavior of hot-dip al coating contact with concrete during hardening process of concrete[C]// 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Architecture (ICCEA2021, Seoul, Korea, 2021, July.10~12.). Springer, 2022: 239-245.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-6932-3_21
  9. Sanghong Park, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Hirohisa Miki and Takahiro Asano, Effectiveness of Laser Treatment on Carbon Steel with Various Forms of Corrosion Pits, The 2th International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference, 2022.03.
  10. Haoxuan Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang and Takahiro Asano, Evaluation on Deterioration and Blister Progression of Duplex Layers Between Al-5Mg Thermal Sprayed Coating and Heavy-duty Paint Coating, The 2th International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference, 2022.03.
  11. Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Haoxuan Yang, Kazuyoshi Muto, Hirokazu Miyata. Deterioration and anti-corrosion behaviors of overlapped layer between Al-5Mg alloy thermal spray coating and heavy-duty paint coating in highly corrosive atmospheric environment[C]//AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Publishing LLC, 2020, 2309(1): 020048.
  12. Ichiro Dote, Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Yuki Kuwahara, Kazuya Yamashita, Nobuhiro Kai: Initial corrosion behavior of spheroidal graphite cast iron and rust evaluation in atmospheric environment. Corrosion & Prevention 2020, Perth, Australia, 2020, Nov.15-18.
  13. Shigenobu Kainuma, Shusen Zhuang, Muye Yang, Kazuaki Toyosawa, Takahiro Asano. Investigation of corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of laser-treated carbon steel. Proceedings IRF2020: 7th International Conference Integrity-Reliability-Failure. J.F. Silva Gomes and S.A. Meguid (editors), INEGI-FEUP (2020), pp.343-344.
  14. Yang Gao, Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Shuji Ishihara, Mikio Hashimoto. Electrochemical Properties of Hot-dip Al and Al-45Zn Coating, East Asia & Pacific Area Conference & Expo, Yokohama, Japan, 2019.
  15. Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Young-Soo Jeong. Stress behaviors for corroded surface of fatigue-cracked orthotropic steel deck, 3rd International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2019.
  16. Shusen Zhuang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang, Kazuo Okuda, Masato Fukuda. Evaluation of electrochemical properties of laser-cleaned carbon steel plate, East Asia & Pacific Area Conference & Expo, Yokohama, Japan, 2019.
  17. Shigenobu Kainuma, Muye Yang. Corrosivity evaluation of steel members near the air-liquid interface using a ground corrosion sensor[C]//Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2018, 774: 619-624. 17th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Key Engineering Materials, Spain.
  18. Shigenobu Kainuma, Jinxuan Du, Muye Yang, Kazuyoshi Muto, Hirokazu Miyata. Deterioration behaviors of overlapping layers between Al-5Mg alloy thermal spray coating and heavy-duty paint coating[C]//Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2017, 754: 55-58.
    16th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Florence, Italy.
  19. Muye Yang, Rong Liu, Bohai Ji, Hanjiang Xu, Ce Chen, Duanduan Zhao. Fatigue stress analysis of diaphragm cap hole in orthotropic steel bridge decks[C]//Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2012, 204: 3265-3269.
    DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.204-208.3265



  1. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma. 鋼構造物の補修部におけるCFRPの接着・劣化特性に関する基礎的研究,「次世代構造技術者の Work in Progress 2021」Online, 2021.09.29.
  2. 楊沐野, 貝沼重信, 鍋島渉, 山内誉史, 吉伯海. 熱影響部に着目した鋼製伸縮装置の疲労破断メカニズムの検討, JSSC Symposium Online, 2021, Nov.18~19.
  3. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Young-Soo Jeong. Analytical investigations on the structural behavior of orthotropic steel deck with artificial fatigue cracks in U-ribs, JSSC Symposium, 东京, 2016, Nov.18~19.
  4. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Jiajing Xie, Weijie Liu. Fundamental study on the anisotropic electrochemical behavior of carbon fiber used for structural strengthening, 第67回材料と環境討論会, Online, 2020, Oct.26~28.
  5. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Xiaotong Sun. Electrochemical study on macrocell corrosion of mild steel near the air-liquid interface using a short-term immersion sensor, 第66回材料と環境討論会, 埼玉, 日本, 2019, May.21~23.
  6. Muye Yang, Shigenobu Kainuma, Tomoo Tomoda. Atmospheric Cathodic Protection for Embedded Steel Members using Sacrificial Anode and Water Swelling Rubber, 第65回材料と環境討論会, 富山, 日本, 2018, Oct.29~31.
  7. 他:土木学会全国大会5回,西部支部研究発表会など


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